
Goods inwards and returns

High customer satisfaction is important to us!

Do you have an instrument that you would like to send to us? Simply select the appropriate goods inwards and returns form so your order is processed faster.

Are you unsure which form you should use? No problem - the following forms are available:


Your instrument has faults (e. g. reliability, quality) and it is within warranty? Just use our form for complaints.


You have a defective instrument? We carry out actions to restore it to a serviceable condition. Just use our form for repairs.

In case of returns please note

  • Fill in the form sheet completely.
  • Coloured fields are required fields.
  • Please note the serial number.
  • For contaminated instruments, it is imperative that the medium is stated (if required, with material safety data sheet). We reserve the right to refuse acceptance of unmarked packages.
  • Within a short time you will receive confirmation via e-mail of the receipt of your return shipment along with a returns number (DE1100...).
  • Please mark the packet on the outside with the shipping label we send you.
  • With WIKA collection, the goods are for shipments within Germany usually collected on the next working day by our preferred service provider, at the time specified by you in the form. This collection takes place without any written collection order, since in sending the form, a digital order has already been placed with our shipping service provider.
  • For shipments outside Germany, you can only select own shipping.
  • In a second e-mail, you will receive the details of the contact person responsible for your return.