Sales contact

Mensor LP

+1 512-396 1820

Solutions for All Your Requirements

The manufacturing industry covers many horizons of production processes within different industries. Due to the broad scope and faster delivery and performance needs of the consumer, the performance parameters for the components need to be tested during various stages of manufacturing. Many such industries include sensor manufacturing, test & measurement equipment manufacturing and other process instrumentation functions.

Our Strengths

We provide a wide range of standard measurement & calibration products which can fulfil the time efficient needs of performance calibration. Our products are suited for a variety areas ranging from field or on – site calibration to laboratory equipment. We also provide calibration services and certification to ascertain the performance of your equipment. Our state-of-the-art manufacturing facility allow batch production of products thus meeting the requirement for our OEM customers.


  • Instrumentation sensor manufacturing
  • Test and measurement equipment manufacturing
  • Leak testing of measuring equipment
  • Innovative partner for OEM solutions
  • Customized solutions

Product Catalog

Calibration Technology