Model CPT2500

USB Pressure Transducer

With USB Adapter and Software

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Mensor LP

+1 512-396 1820

Applications of the USB Pressure Transducer

  • Calibration service companies/service industry
  • Quality assurance
  • Recording and monitoring of pressure processes
  • Measurement of pressure peaks

Special Features of the USB Pressure Transducer

    • Recording interval adjustable from 1 ms ... 10 s
    • Measuring ranges from 0 … 25 mbar to 0 … 1,000 bar (0 ... 0.4 psi to 0 ... 14,500 psi)
    • Accuracy: 0.2 %, optionally 0.1 % (incl. calibration certificate)
    • No external voltage supply required
    • Software for recording of the measured value, calibration and evaluation

Description of the USB Pressure Transducer

Extensive application possibilities
The model CPT2500 USB pressure transducer can be connected to any PC with a USB interface, via the model CPA2500 USB adapter. For the USB adapter, there are stainless steel pressure sensors with measuring ranges up to 14,500 psi (1,000 bar) available. The USB adapter automatically recognizes the measuring range of the connected pressure sensor and guarantees a high-accuracy pressure measurement.

The interval for pressure measurement can be set in the range from 1 ms ... 10 s. With a recording interval of more than 5 ms the following data is recorded in addition to the current measured value:

  • the mean value over the recording interval
  • the maximum and minimum value during the recording interval

This data allows for pressure spikes within the overall recording interval to be easily identified. It is also possible to set start and stop conditions for the recording. In this way it is possible to detect pressure spikes with a resolution of up to 1 ms.

The CPT2500 USB pressure transducer is suited to all applications where, over a limited time span, pressure profiles must be recorded and analyzed with high resolution.

The USBsoft2500 and USB-ScanSoft software are delivered as standard with the USB adapter. With it, all settings for recording the pressure profiles can be made. The recorded measured values can be graphically displayed, evaluated and exported.

Apart from the USBsoft2500 and USB-ScanSoft software, the WIKA-Cal calibration software is available for calibration tasks. Using this software, the data is automatically transferred into a printable calibration certificate. Besides PC-supported calibration, WIKA-Cal also offers the management of calibration and instrument data in a SQL database. A USB interface is available for the data transfer.

Complete service case
For easy transport and safe storage, the USB adapter is delivered in a compact transport case, which can also hold one or more pressure sensors.

Certified accuracy
For each USB pressure transducer, the accuracy for the complete measuring chain is certified by a factory calibration certificate which accompanies the instrument. On request, an A2LA or DKD/DAkkS calibration certificate will be provided for this instrument.

USB Pressure Transducer
  • USB Pressure Transducer