
Selection of Suppliers

Mensor understands the importance of end product quality is greatly related to the parts, components, and services that go into Mensor instrumentation. We recognize the discipline that is necessary for consistent quality supply; therefore, selected suppliers are required to be certified or demonstrate compliance to the ISO 9000 standard. Additionally, with regard to calibration suppliers, Mensor requires that they be accredited to ISO 17025.

Mensor’s suppliers are managed through an annual evaluation. Our purchasing team views each supplier as a partner working together to meet each other’s needs and mutual success. The results of these evaluations are based on quality, timely delivery, and cost. As challenges arise, Mensor works together with suppliers for ideal solutions.

In applying our purchasing policy, we pursue fairness by following seven guidelines:

  1. Quality, price, reliability, and supply stability are the main criteria upon which we base decisions on initiating new business an carrying out specific transactions.
  2. As a rule, we compare offers from several vendors simultaneously to nurture competition and select suppliers fairly.
  3. We purchase from multiple suppliers to aboid excessive reliance on a single vendor and to prevent vedors from depending excessively on us.
  4. We create opportunities for newcomers by periodially reviewing our regular vendors.
  5. We request offers only when considering purchasing. If asked, we explain, within limits, our reasons for not accepting an offer or competitive bid.
  6. We preserve the confidentiality of vendor information obtained in transactions
  7. Our purchasing personnel do not permit personal interest to influence relationships with existing or prospective vendors.