
Continuous Improvement

The continuous improvement process includes the entire WIKA Group and all its divisions. In terms of a lean corporate culture (lean organization), waste of any kind at any level of the company should be eliminated.

The ground rules and principles which are to be applied in order to avoid these types of waste are described in the WIKA production system (WPS), which pursues the following objectives:

  • Reduction in lead times
  • Increase in productivity
  • Reduction of stock within the entire worldwide supply chain
  • Improvement of the product and process quality

Since with WIKA the customer is always the focus of all our efforts, we are striving to achieve the highest possible customer satisfaction through reliability, quick reaction times and the highest quality.

Using the "Kaizen in the office" program, we also increase efficiency in administrative areas. The use of Six Sigma helps us to solve complex quality problems. Furthermore, we achieve a continuous improvement and savings in the areas of resources/environmental performance through the Kaizen methodology.


If you have questions about our Continuous Improvement programs, please contact us.